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Friday, August 08, 2008

Who's Afraid of Public Speaking?

Well, after last week's whirlwind posting marathon during "Lipstick Leadership Week", I decided to lay low for the past few days.

In the interim, I've been swamped with coaching clients who are begging me to help them with their public speaking. Apparently, that old saying about public speaking being an even greater fear than death is true!

Now, I admit: even a professional speaker like me gets butterflies in her stomach before taking the stage and staring out into that sea of people. But then my adrenaline kicks in and my naturally talkative personality takes over. Unfortunately, that's not the case for most people.

I've heard horror stories from clients, colleagues and friends about how they froze under the spotlights (or even speaking to a smaller group in a meeting) and tripped and stuttered their way through their presentations. My heart goes out to them. (I feel the same way when faced with a situation where math is required!)

So a few days ago, I had one of those "aha" moments Oprah's always talking about:

- People need help with their public speaking.
- I'm a professional speaker who can also be considered something of an expert in getting over fears.

Why not figure out some global way (as opposed to one-on-one coaching...there's only so much of my time to go around!) that I could help people overcome their fear of public speaking??


I'm now in the process of developing a fantastic new video product and loads of special bonuses to go along with it. I can't wait to unveil it, and I'm hoping to have the finishing touches put on it next week!

Keep your eyes open, loyal readers, because you're going to be one of the first people I offer it out to. I'll post more details soon!

Have a great weekend!

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Lipstick Leadership -- Unexpected Kindness is the Best Marketing According to Seth Godin's Mom

Seth Godin writes the most popular marketing blog in the world. He is the author of the bestselling marketing books of the last decade, speaks to large groups on marketing, new media and "what's next"; and is the found of Squidoo.com, a fast-growing recommendation website.

He posted about advice from his mom...

"[My mom] pointed out that any time you do something because you're supposed to, or because everyone else is doing it, it's not worth as much. Flowers the week before or a nice poem on the day after were priceless compared to the trudge to the restaurant on the appointed day.

I think this is true of all marketing. Nice words to a customer the day they say they're quitting, or to an employee during an annual review aren't worth much at all."

- Seth Godin

For more of "Mom's Wisdom" to apply in your workplace for success, check out my new book "From the Kitchen to the Corner Office: Mom's Wisdom on Leadership" available in local bookstores and online at BarnesAndNoble.com!

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Don't Forget Small Businesses!

This headline greeted me on CNN.com as I sat down with my morning cup of healing tea:

"Shoppers Stimulate Discount Stores" by Aaron Smith, CNNMoney.com staff writer

At first I thought, "Good for us. With gas and food prices the way they are, I'm glad we're able to get a little more for less." But when I thought about it further, my heart went out to all of the small businesses out there that are facing empty storefronts as people flock to these discount giants.

What about the small business owners? How can they compete with the "big boys?"

It's a question as old as the first five-and-dime.

At CEOSecretBlueprint.com, I've created a series of free videos that center around revealing the strategy secrets of the "big boys" and I welcome all of you small business owners out there to sign up and check them out for yourself. Remember, I've done my fair share of work with several Fortune 500 companies, and with my birds-eye view into their boardrooms, I've learned a thing or two about a thing or two! As an entrepreneur, I thought it only fair that I should bolster the small businesses around me by sharing those strategies.

So if your business isn't being "stimulated" by the government economic stimulus checks, go to CEOSecretBlueprint.com, check out the videos I've created, and apply the strategies I share to up your game against the business behemoths.

And if you miss out on this opportunity to grow your business, you can still access my library of articles here on michelleydrake.com and purchase any of my entrepreneurial audio series(available on audio CD):

"The Entrepreneur's Starter Kit" - Find out if you have what it takes to start a business, how to name your business (so crucial!) and the pros and cons of partnerships.

"The Entrepreneur's Finance Kit" - *groan* My least favorite part of running a business is the finances, but in this CD set, I try to make it a little easier for you with my tips on hiring a bookkeeper, basic business finance and why it's SO important to the bottom line to write everything down!

"The Entrepreneur's Marketing Kit" - I called on my cadre of experts to share their insights into small business marketing, including Wendy Weiss (the "Queen of Cold Calling"), Michael Port (marketing guru), Andy Wibbels ("Blogging Evangelist"), and Lori O'Brien (Web Solutions, website development expert).

"The Entrepreneur's Office Space Kit" - I can't work in an office that's a disorganized mess or one that stifles my creativity - and you shouldn't either! Learn how to maximize and design your perfect office space with the help of experts Ed Morrow and Natalie Weinstein.

and "The Entrepreneur's Master Kit" - The mother of all entrepreneurial guides, it includes every kit listed above!

Now I'm going to go back to my tea and prepare for the busy day ahead. I may even find time to stop in a local shop or two and treat myself to something new!

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