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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Strategies for Managing Risk

Risk can be a difficult thing to manage in the workplace, especially if you're the type that frets over every possible detail that could go wrong when a new project crosses your desk. With all of the pressure surrounding us every day, it's no wonder that new projects (and new responsibilities) threaten to strangle us with "what if" scenarios. Several of my clients have come to me over the years claiming, "When things fall apart, so do I," and seeking out guidance to help them manage risk....

For more FREE tips on advancing your career and navigating the workplace, sign up for my FREE e-zine "Lipstick Leadership" at LipstickLeadership.com today! And check out the products I've developed to guide you toward the success you deserve!

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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Creating an Elevator Pitch

Long-time readers of my blog and listeners of my podcast "Tips from Michelle" (available FREE at iTunes) have often read and heard me offer advice peppered with business jargon. Occasionally, I toss out a term or phrase and neglect to define it for those of you out there who are unfamiliar with the ever-changing vocabulary of business. I welcome the opportunity to clear up any confusion about terms or concepts - all you have to do is e-mail me like Jerry here:

"Dear Michelle,

I've been listening to your podcast and reading your blog at MichelleYDrake.com for the past couple of years, and several times you've mentioned how important it is to have an 'elevator pitch' ready at all times. What exactly is an 'elevator pitch' and how can I make sure that mine wows potential clients, contacts and even employers?"

Excellent question, Jerry. An "elevator pitch" is...

For more FREE tips on advancing your career and navigating the workplace, sign up for my FREE e-zine "Lipstick Leadership" at LipstickLeadership.com today! And check out the products I've developed to guide you toward the success you deserve!


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Friday, October 12, 2007

Barriers to Presenting Ideas

It's time for a little dose of Brutal Honesty here. I'm a big fan of Brutal Honesty: no matter how difficult it is to stomach, it can be just the kick in the rear you need to jumpstart positive changes in your life and in your career.

Today's Brutal Honesty topic:
The innovation - or lack thereof - that you're contributing to your organization.

Ask yourself these questions, and remember: be completely honest with your answers.

Are you showing your bosses the best of everything you have, all of your talents, all of your skills, all of your value...every day?

If not, why the heck not?! What barriers do you perceive to be holding you back?

Let's say that you have an amazing, brilliant idea that could increase your company's profits by an astounding percentage. You've been toying with the idea for weeks, running it through your head again and again, searching for its flaws and debating whether or not to present it at your next team meeting. The meeting day has arrived, and...

More "Barriers to Presenting Ideas"

For more FREE tips on advancing your career and navigating the workplace, sign up for my FREE e-zine "Lipstick Leadership" at LipstickLeadership.com today! And check out the products I've developed to guide you toward the success you deserve!

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Thursday, October 04, 2007

Landing a Promotion

In a perfect world, we all work to our full capacity every single day: we're shining examples of perfect employees who come in early, stay late, always give 210%, and do everything we can to better the company.

Unfortunately, this isn't a perfect world, and most of us will confess that we don't ALWAYS put forth maximum effort; however, we still do a pretty good job, get the work done and occasionally even put forth a brilliant idea or two. That's fine and dandy except when the opportunity for a promotion pops up.

Say one of your department managers decides to take an early retirement. In a few weeks or even months, his position is going to be up for grabs, and good money says that your company would rather hire up from within than bring a brand new person into this position. You want this promotion, but you have to wonder: is just doing a "pretty good job" going to land it for you? Chances are...no.

But all is not lost. You still might have an opportunity to put yourself in the front running for the position...

For more FREE tips on advancing your career and navigating the workplace, sign up for my FREE e-zine "Lipstick Leadership" at LipstickLeadership.com today! And check out the products I've developed to guide you toward the success you deserve!


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