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Friday, March 27, 2009

Do You have the 13 Vital Traits for Success?

I’ve got a question for you...now be honest!

Are you truly where you want to be in life?

(Who is, right?)

Well, today I have a treat for you...a freebie (for now)!

My amazing friend (and Success Guru...she founded and runs Success IQ University) Stephanie Frank is launching a new program and I convinced her to let my readers preview it for FREE!!! The program, “The 13 Vital Traits of Super Effective People”, will help you understand the blueprint you need to get where you want to be in business and in life.

Anyone feeling a little bit lost these days?

I have seen many of Stephanie's programs and she is top notch...and funny...and part of my Girlfriend Network (remember yesterday's post!!!)

I don’t know how long she’ll be offering this program for my people for free, so take 5 minutes now, click the link above and claim your 13 Vital Traits of Super Effective People audio training program today.

Here’s to your success!

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Take a Risk with Your Career!

Taking a risk with your career may seem counter-intuitive amid our economic crisis, but according to this article I found on Yahoo! HotJobs, I think it could be a fantastic idea!

"4 Career Risks Worth Trying" by Denene Brox features four "calculated" risks that could mean a brighter future for your career.

"RISK: Going Back to School"

I know this can be a huge investment in time and money, but with all of the online programs now available to us - where we can pay less for a quality education, and come and go as we please from the comfort of home or even the office - it can be an excellent stepping stone to success. As the article states: "...determine if going back to school helps you achieve this goal [a raise or changing career paths] by talking to your boss and mentors." In my business, I've always encouraged my employees to never stop the learning process, and like my company, many organizations will even foot the bill (or at least part of it) if it will add to your value and the value you bring to work.

"RISK: Changing Careers"

I've said this time and time again: do what you love! And the article agrees: "With increased company layoffs, no one is immune to losing a job. Finding work that you love should be a priority in your career." This decision is a biggie, so make sure you carefully examine the pros and cons of a career move, and dig down deep to figure out what you really want to do. Is it something you're GOOD AT as well as enjoy? Consider this carefully because as many of us know, just because we love doing something, that doesn't necessarily mean we're skilled at it (see: "American Idol" contestants during the try-out weeks!)

"RISK: Saying 'No' to Added Responsibility"

At first you might think, "Are you crazy?! Saying 'no' at work?! That's the surest way to a pink slip!" In some cases, you may be right, but the article makes a great point: "If your boss is saddling you with more responsibility with a project or promotion, be sure you understand exactly what that will mean for your success. Not all promotions are created equal, and you can quickly become the office doormat if you constantly take on projects that may not have high enough visibility to move your career forward." I'd like to add a note to this and say, if you do turn down a project, make sure it's for the RIGHT reasons. Too many of us turn down opportunities to advance our careers because of fear - fear of failure, fear of putting our ideas out there, etc. - and that's definitely NOT the right reason. When offered more responsibility, think about it carefully and honestly before accepting or refusing.

"RISK: Starting a Business"

As an entrepreneur, I know firsthand the trials and tribulations (and satisfaction and rewards) of starting a business. It takes total commitment, a willingness to sacrifice, and a LOT of hard work. If you're not ready to say "yes" to all of that - and more - starting a business probably isn't right for you. But if you're ready to dive into the world of entrepreneurship, my best advice is the same as the article's: "Do your research (including health care options), save money, and build contacts in your industry while you're still working in your current job."

Check out the full text of the article here, and thanks to Denene Brox and Yahoo! HotJobs for posting such helpful advice. I recommend that you carefully digest this food for thought if you're stuck in a rut at your current job, if you're ready to take on a new challenge, or if you're wondering where to go next in your career.

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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Personal Finance - Important Now More Than Ever...

The economy, the economy, the economy...

Aside from the Presidential race, it's the hottest topic in the country right now, and with all of its uncertainty and instability, it's also become a source of fear for our society.

I came across this fantastic article from CNNMoney.com:

"10 Solutions to a Personal Credit Crisis"

It has some sound advice for those of us who've reached for our credit cards one time too many. This info is especially crucial advice for entrepreneurs who may have relied on their personal credit to start and grow their businesses during those first few shaky years.

Here are the tip highlights of the article, written by Jessica Dickler, CNNMoney.com staff writer:

"1. Look at the big picture."
"2. Pay important bills first."
"3. Call your creditors."
"4. Transfer balances."
"5. Quit the cards."
"6. Prioritize paying down debt."
"7. Bulk up your payments."
"8. Check your credit report for mistakes."
"9. Get help."
"10. Start saving."

Read the full article here.

Here's hoping you can ride out this economic crisis and emerge with your finances in tact and thriving.

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Thursday, September 04, 2008

Get Over Your Fear of Public Speaking!

Remember a few weeks ago, I alluded to a brand new program that I was developing to help people get over their fear of public speaking (the #1 fear of most people!)?

Well, it's ready to roll, and I'm so excited about it!

Check it out for yourself here!

Knowing how to speak in public is VITAL to your success personally and professionally. Most executives that I know wouldn't be where they are today if they couldn't express themselves to their teams, their clients and their bosses. And the fear of opening your mouth in front of an audience - small or large - can be crippling to your career and your relationships.

My "Get Over Your Fear of Public Speaking!" video program shares my best tips for banishing those public speaking demons forever. As a professional speaker myself and someone who has met other amazing speakers, I've gathered a world of experience, tips, and tools that I want to share with you through this video program.

Read more about it here!

(The response to this program has been astounding! Don't miss your opportunity to tap into my professional speaking expertise and learn how to communicate confidently in front of any audience!)

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Don't Forget Small Businesses!

This headline greeted me on CNN.com as I sat down with my morning cup of healing tea:

"Shoppers Stimulate Discount Stores" by Aaron Smith, CNNMoney.com staff writer

At first I thought, "Good for us. With gas and food prices the way they are, I'm glad we're able to get a little more for less." But when I thought about it further, my heart went out to all of the small businesses out there that are facing empty storefronts as people flock to these discount giants.

What about the small business owners? How can they compete with the "big boys?"

It's a question as old as the first five-and-dime.

At CEOSecretBlueprint.com, I've created a series of free videos that center around revealing the strategy secrets of the "big boys" and I welcome all of you small business owners out there to sign up and check them out for yourself. Remember, I've done my fair share of work with several Fortune 500 companies, and with my birds-eye view into their boardrooms, I've learned a thing or two about a thing or two! As an entrepreneur, I thought it only fair that I should bolster the small businesses around me by sharing those strategies.

So if your business isn't being "stimulated" by the government economic stimulus checks, go to CEOSecretBlueprint.com, check out the videos I've created, and apply the strategies I share to up your game against the business behemoths.

And if you miss out on this opportunity to grow your business, you can still access my library of articles here on michelleydrake.com and purchase any of my entrepreneurial audio series(available on audio CD):

"The Entrepreneur's Starter Kit" - Find out if you have what it takes to start a business, how to name your business (so crucial!) and the pros and cons of partnerships.

"The Entrepreneur's Finance Kit" - *groan* My least favorite part of running a business is the finances, but in this CD set, I try to make it a little easier for you with my tips on hiring a bookkeeper, basic business finance and why it's SO important to the bottom line to write everything down!

"The Entrepreneur's Marketing Kit" - I called on my cadre of experts to share their insights into small business marketing, including Wendy Weiss (the "Queen of Cold Calling"), Michael Port (marketing guru), Andy Wibbels ("Blogging Evangelist"), and Lori O'Brien (Web Solutions, website development expert).

"The Entrepreneur's Office Space Kit" - I can't work in an office that's a disorganized mess or one that stifles my creativity - and you shouldn't either! Learn how to maximize and design your perfect office space with the help of experts Ed Morrow and Natalie Weinstein.

and "The Entrepreneur's Master Kit" - The mother of all entrepreneurial guides, it includes every kit listed above!

Now I'm going to go back to my tea and prepare for the busy day ahead. I may even find time to stop in a local shop or two and treat myself to something new!

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