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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Menopause Doesn't Have to Mean Suffering at Work!

Recently, I was featured in an article by Katherine Reynolds Lewis (Newhouase News Service) in The Seattle Times, called "Working through on-the-job menopause." Even through menopause is a natural cycle, that doesn't mean its symptoms don't interfere with our personal and professional lives.

Hot flashes, mood swings, fatigue...few women are blessed enough not to have to deal with these symptoms. And they can wreak havoc in our personal relationships as well as our professional ones.

Raise your hand if you've ever sat in a meeting and suddenly felt the familiar rush of heat and sweat that a hot flash can bring. I know I have. It's uncomfortable and embarrassing, and it can often send the wrong message to your colleagues and even your boss. They may mistake your red face and your fidgeting as dislike for an idea or a project...when all you're trying to do is muscle through and ride out your hot flash!

Let me tell you a little bit about my personal experience with menopause and the treatements I've undergone to try and ease my way through the process...

My colleague, friend and Ayurvedic doctor, Dr. Helen Thomas, D.C., has helped me immensely as I navigate my way through menopause. Her safe, natural Ayurvedic methods have all but demolished my menopausal symptoms, and let me tell you, I feel a lot better knowing that I'm not pumping hormones into my body. Not to mention the fact that my work - face-to-face with clients and audiences of thousands - no longer suffers at the hands of menopausal symptoms.

And now I'd like to offer you the opportunity to experience Dr. Helen and her Ayurvedic methods for dealing with menopause. She's currently offering an amazing program called "Ayurveda 3-Step Menopausal Balance Program" on her website: www.EffortlessAyurvedicLiving.com.

The first step in her "Ayurveda 3-Step Menopausal Balance Program" is a fantastic PDF booklet called "What Is Ayurveda? Understanding the Principles of Ayurveda and Ayurvedic Body Types". It gives a brief overview of Ayurveda and the Vata, Pitta and Kapha body types as well as specific regimens for each type, Ayurvedic recipes, and other Ayurvedic treatments.

The second step in her "Ayurveda 3-Step Menopausal Balance Program" is the "Menopausal (And Menstrual) Remedies for Your Body Type" PDF booklet. This informative pamphlet provides safe and natural Ayurvedic remedies for common menopausal and menstrual symptoms.

The third step in her "Ayurveda 3-Step Menopausal Balance Program" is a live tele-seminar with her, Dr. Helen, and myself. She'll be going into greater depth about all sorts of menopausal issues as well as proven Ayurvedic techniques for dealing with uncomfortable and often embarrassing menopausal symptoms. It's also your opportunity to speak with her (and me) directly: ask questions, offer your own insights, and share your menopausal experiences.

To learn more about Dr. Helen and her incredible Ayurvedic insights into menopause (as well as a whole host of other issues, including weight loss, food combinations and beauty), visit her website at www.EffortlessAyurvedicLiving.com and click on her "Archives" section.

Menopause is a natural process, but thanks to Dr. Helen and Ayurveda, it no longer has to interfere with your personal and your professional life!

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Friday, August 08, 2008

Who's Afraid of Public Speaking?

Well, after last week's whirlwind posting marathon during "Lipstick Leadership Week", I decided to lay low for the past few days.

In the interim, I've been swamped with coaching clients who are begging me to help them with their public speaking. Apparently, that old saying about public speaking being an even greater fear than death is true!

Now, I admit: even a professional speaker like me gets butterflies in her stomach before taking the stage and staring out into that sea of people. But then my adrenaline kicks in and my naturally talkative personality takes over. Unfortunately, that's not the case for most people.

I've heard horror stories from clients, colleagues and friends about how they froze under the spotlights (or even speaking to a smaller group in a meeting) and tripped and stuttered their way through their presentations. My heart goes out to them. (I feel the same way when faced with a situation where math is required!)

So a few days ago, I had one of those "aha" moments Oprah's always talking about:

- People need help with their public speaking.
- I'm a professional speaker who can also be considered something of an expert in getting over fears.

Why not figure out some global way (as opposed to one-on-one coaching...there's only so much of my time to go around!) that I could help people overcome their fear of public speaking??


I'm now in the process of developing a fantastic new video product and loads of special bonuses to go along with it. I can't wait to unveil it, and I'm hoping to have the finishing touches put on it next week!

Keep your eyes open, loyal readers, because you're going to be one of the first people I offer it out to. I'll post more details soon!

Have a great weekend!

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