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Meeting Planners

Meeting Planners
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Michelle Yozzo Drake is the communication strategist and professional speaker you've been searching for!

Her vast expertise in strategic communication includes tools, insights, and practical skills in topics including:

Sales Performance
Leadership Development
Team Dynamics
Customer Service

Top 10 Reasons Why Michelle Yozzo Drake is THE Communication Strategist and Professional Speaker for YOU:

10. Strategic communication is the cornerstone to a successful business. Michelle is an expert communication strategist. It just makes sense!
9. Fresh, innovative programs that won’t just inform; they’ll engage, energize and empower, too!
8. High quality handouts, easy reference cards, giveaways – request them and they’re yours!
7. Need an hour-long speech? A half-day or full-day seminar? An ongoing training module? Michelle can  give you all the time you need – and all the tools, tactics and inspiration you can handle!
6. FREE publicity for the event via Michelle’s website, blog, e-mail list, etc.
5. Just give Michelle a projection screen and access to the house sound system – she’ll bring her own  LCD projector, laptop computer, lapel mic and hand-held mic
4. “Always be prepared.” Hey, that’s Michelle’s motto, too! This consummate professional always brings her A-game
3. Unlimited motivation is always part of the package.
2. A simple equation: 23 (years as a communication strategist, entrepreneur and executive coach) + 15 (years as a professional speaker) + 26 (years as a spiritual minister, wife and mother) = Nearly 3 decades worth  of experience and wisdom to share!
1. Eight words: highly relatable style, magnetic personality, wit, unwavering enthusiasm

Below are thumbnail pictures of Michelle. To receive 8x10 versions, please
Request a Speaker’s Kit.


Convinced? Then give us a call at 860.460.3591, an e-mail at
michelle@michelleydrake.com, or fill out the form in  Booking Information and you’re on your way to a presentation by Michelle  that won’t soon be forgotten!

*Details will be finalized during the time of contract

“When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.” – Harriet Beecher Stowe