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Interviews from The Conference Board's Women's Leadership Summit

We HAVE come a long way, baby, but not far enough to completely level the workplace playing field between men and women.  Perhaps future generations of women will enter a workforce where equal pay and equal opportunities will be present for both the sexes, but until then, we are fortunate that there are strong women leaders and organizations out there focused on helping women rise to the top of  the business world. 

The Conference Board and their Women's Leadership Summit is one such organization.  Michelle Yozzo Drake had the privilege to interview the Summit Director Mary Wright Benner as well as Summit speaker Carol Fishman Cohen.

Ms. Benner shared the history of the Conference Board and the goals of the Summit and its attendees. She explained the responsibility women have to fight for solutions to their issues in the workplace.  Ms. Benner also described the female influences in her own life and how being a mother has shaped and enriched her role in the workplace.

Ms. Cohen - co-author of Back on the Career Track; A Guide for Stay-at Home Moms Who Want to Return to Work - discussed the experiences that led her and her co-author to create this insightful guide.  She also revealed four companies that boast stellar in-house programs designed to assist in the re-launch of careers for people who've been out of the workforce for an extended period of time.

For more information on The Conference Board and its programs, please visit Conference-Board.org.


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“Don’t be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson