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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dr. Helen and Effortless Ayurvedic Beauty

I know that beauty not a topic that I usually write about, but I have had such changes in both my appearance and health from working with Dr. Helen Thomas that I wanted to share her with all of you! With all of the traveling I do, speaking at conferences across the country, my skin and hair was looking dry and dull! I am going to let you in on the secret weapon that I discovered to keep me looking good for all of my public appearances...and dinner out with my guy! It is Dr. Helen and Ayurvedic living!!!

I got you an invitation to take part in her free online multi-media course called Discover Your Ayurvedic Beauty-Type. It actually started yesterday! I'm so sorry, but due to unavoidable technical difficulties, I wasn't able to get the link to you until this very moment.

Not to worry,though, you can catch up in a matter of minutes.You can sign up (for free) by clicking on this link or copy and pasting it into your browser...http://cove101.108mudita.hop.clickbank.net/Over the next two weeks, Dr. Helen will introduce you to the 3,000 year old form of health and beauty care known as Ayurveda.

In Ayurveda, they don't recommend the same facial treatment or moisturizer for everyone.
People are different.
Your needs are unique.
You need to know your Ayurvedic Beauty-Type before you'll know whether something as simple as coconut oil is beneficial for your skin.

Through her Discover Your Ayurvedic Beauty-Type online course you'll be able to recognize which formulas,ingredients and lifestyle habits help you look and feel more beautiful.

I believe that how we feel about ourselves sets the stage for how we interact with others at work. When I don't feel good about myself I struggle with projecting confidence, which is a problem for any leader!

Dr. Helen is NOT selling any beauty potions here! In fact,it's almost impossible to buy beauty products (even from health food stores) which don't contain preservatives, alcohol and other chemicals. Instead, she'll be sharing with you simple and inexpensive recipes you can make at home using kitchen ingredients.

Here's a sneak preview of what's included:
  1. The Anti-Aging Ayurvedic Report: How to keep your skin looking youthful and avoid signs of premature aging
  2. TWO Teleseminars Live With Dr. Helen and Lissa Coffey:Author of best-selling, What's Your Dosha Baby?, Lissa Coffey will be interviewing Dr. Helen Thomas on how to achieve vibrant hair and skin by identifying and caring for your Ayurvedic Beauty-Type (with a Q&A session)
  3. Discover Your Ayurvedic Beauty-Type Multi-Media OnlineCourse: How to identify your unique beauty goals which you can obtain effortlessly and naturally. Includes online text, PDF downloads, audios and videos sent to your emailbox daily from Dr. Helen

All of this comes at no cost to you!

If you want to enjoy a radiant complexion, healthier skin and an end to bad hair days, please read her introduction to Effortless Ayurvedic Beauty at this link...http://cove101.108mudita.hop.clickbank.net/...and signup for the free two week multi-media course.

I know what working with Dr. Helen over the past 5 months has done for me...I just wanted to share her with all of you! What good is a blessing if you can't pass it around...she has been a blessing in my life!

P.S. You'll immediately receive Dr. Helen's AyurvedicAnti-Aging report and the first part to the EffortlessAyurvedic Beauty Course. It's all free. Start your journey with Dr. Helen towards Effortless Ayurvedic Beauty, http://cove101.108mudita.hop.clickbank.net/
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